Throughout the winter voluntary work parties have been carrying out the enhancements as recommended by the bio- diversity management report. The report was commissioned by DDAPS as part of the planning consent for change of use at the site. These works will be ongoing and take many years to complete. You will be kept informed via notices at both Sutton at Hone and Horton Kirby and via our website, of any new developments.

Rangers John and Tony will be siltexing and phosphating Sutton and Horton Kirby again this year in accordance with the survey and report we commissioned through Dr Bruno Broughton. It will not take long before the benefit of these treatments are noticed.
Dates will be posted on our website.

We have also started a management plan for our trees at Sutton at Hone and Horton Kirby in an effort to control the excessive numbers of crack willow we have on these sites. Pollarding of these trees is essential as the cost of dealing with them and the damage they cause is horrendous when they grow too large. Some of these trees will be removed and replaced with native trees that do not grow as fast or as large. We hope to carry out this work in a sensitive manner. However in some areas it will be easier to clear and start again. These areas may look a bit sparse to begin with, but with replanting will not take to long to regrow. This will mean that these areas will be more manageable and will alleviate the need to carry out such drastic work in the future.
The rebuilding of the island in the Westminster field lake will commence mid January. We are hoping to lower the level of the lake to make this easier. Whilst the lake is lowered we will carry out netting with the intention of reducing the biomass of bream in this lake. The majority of these fish will then be restocked into the west lake. Some of the larger bream will be stocked into the viaduct lake.
The Westminster Field Lake will be closed whilst this work is carried out.