DDAPS has decided to create a forum just for DDAPS members.

We hope it will help bring members together in help and advice or just to report your catch. Please READ THE TERMS that you agree to when you sign up as it has some important information regarding behaviour and what is acceptable and what is not!
You will not be able to use the forum until your username, email address and DDAPPS membership number have all been confirmed via a couple of emails.

Remember Appendix byelaws made under rule 12, Rule 2 page 11 of the rule book. Ungentlemanly Conduct will not be tolerated.

Can all members signing up to the forum please register just one email address (the same one you have given us for the database please).

This allows us to keep the database up to date as the forum details will be incorporated into the database.

If you need to update your database / forum email address, please email us.