The netting of the Westminster Field Lake took place, with the assistance of the Environment Agency, while the water level was lowered to rebuild the Island. Many thanks to Tom and Nick for their assistance and guidance during the netting. The netting was prompted by complaints from a few members that the Westminster field lake was lacking any level of bream population and as a result was left off the match card. It was therefore decided that the lake should be netted and any bream found between 1.5lb-3lb be moved into the Western lake, any between 3-5lb be moved to the Viaduct lake and any of 5lb plus should remain in the Westminster field lake.
The netting took 4 days and the total numbers of fish moved were:
Viaduct 3-5lb 189
Western 1.5-3lb 134
Western Skimmers 755
Returned to the Westminster field Lake
78 Carp
20 5lb plus bream
In excess of 3000 skimmers
Pike to 25lb
If you consider that we are only 50-60% successful in our netting, the stocks of fish left in this lake are still quite considerable.
The committee would like to thank everyone who gave up their time to carry out both of these projects it was no easy task.